Tuesday, October 7, 2008

When it rains.....it pours

My dear sweet husband had the morning off. He, my father and a few other men volunteered to help fix someone's roof this morning. As far as I can recall it really hasn't rained very much, or at all, since Hurricane Ike. My husband reminded me of this a few days ago when the Christmas tree growing in our front yard died. :(
So he got up quite early and headed out to do a good service. Right now, it is raining. Not just a little drizzle, it is really raining. Quite hard. It has absolutely been pouring for over an hour. I wonder what he is doing right now. As we listen to the thunder and lightning. I just watched my neighbor's trash can float across my front yard. I couldn't even drive down my street right now if I wanted to.
So what does he do? Does he climb up on someone's roof in this weather? Or does he sit back and watch the rain pour in? I don't know yet. I'll just sit hear listening to the thunder and wait for him to call.

Update: When he got home he was completely dry. Apparently, they were finished with the roof by the time the rain reached the part of town where he was at. By the time it hit, he was sitting down in Subway enjoying an early lunch.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Crazy weather! It thundered here a bit and drizzled but nothing like that!! Crazy!! I sure hope your hubby gets the service project done, and he is safe!