Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thankful #10-12

#10 - I am thankful for Brian. He enjoys a good day's work. If we have a project to work on, he is right there ready to learn and help out. He loves to work with his hands and can keep us motivated. He also says exactly what it on his mind.

#11 -I am thankful for colors. They make everything much more interesting. Could you imagine if we only had shades of gray?

#12 - Bobby's fortune cookie tonight - "The reward for having feelings is great joy." I read this today after leaving the hospital visiting a friend whose husband is in critical condition. This was a timely reminder that without pain and sorrow we can never feel pleasure, happiness and joy. It is the tough times that make the good times so much sweeter.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Have you ever heard that you're supposed to add the words "In Bed" to the end of your fortune cookie? LOLOLOLOL